
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):36-Water-Splashing Festival(泼水节)

Love English 2 2022-12-23

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》是由中国国家广电总局主办、中国国际广播电台、高等教育出版社联合策划实施的大型多媒体系列文化项目。本分享视频来自腾讯视频,版权归原作者所有,本分享旨在学生英语学习。

Hello China 英文版《你好,中国》选取了100个代表中国传统文化精髓的汉语词汇,从不同侧面反映中国文化的博大精深。

The Dai ethnic group lives in south-eastern China's Yunnan  Province.  Each year they hold a grand festival called the Water-Splashing Festival (po shui jie). People dressed in beautiful clothes sing dance and splash water on each other on the morning of the festival. Don't get angry if you are drenched,  it represents a blessing. More water means more good luck in the coming year.

If a young man receives pouches made by a girl that means the girl has fallen in love with him. Po shui jie is regarded as the Valentine's Day for the Dai ethnic group. Po shui jie has become part of the culture in Yunnan Province.

Nowadays, not only Dai people but also tourists participate in this exciting carnival.

1. drench [drentʃ]  v.使湿透
We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin.
2. pouch [paʊtʃ]  n.小袋子;荷包;邮袋;(有袋目动物腹部的)育儿袋  v.装入袋中;用袋运输;用袋送信件
来自古法语poche, 钱包,口袋,词源同pocket, poach.
From: 童理民
She kept her money in a pouch around her neck.


《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):35-Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):34-Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):33-Qixi Festival(七夕节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):32-Qingming Festival (清明节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):31-Spring Festival-(春节)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):30 -Acupuncture and Moxibustion(针灸)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):29 Traditional Chinese Medicine-(中药)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):28 Chinese Sword-(剑)
《你好,中国》( Hello, China ):27 -Tai Chi Chuan(太极拳)

